Serope kalpakjian biography channel

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          Serope Kalpakjian

          PROFESSOR SEROPE KALPAKJIAN has been teaching at the Illinois Institute of Technology since 1963.

          After graduating from Robert College (with High Honors), Harvard University, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he joined Cincinnati Milacron, Inc., where he was a research supervisor in charge of advanced metal-forming processes.

          Manufacturing engineering and technology ; Topics: Production engineering, Manufacturing processes ; Item Size: G ; Access-restricted-item: true.

        1. Out of 5 stars.
        2. Follow Serope Kalpakjian and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Serope Kalpakjian Author Page.
        3. Steven Schmid University of North Carolina - Charlotte.
        4. Professor Kalpakjian is a Life Fellow ASME, Fellow SME, Fellow and Life Member ASM International, Fellow Emeritus International Academy for Production.
        5. He has published numerous papers and is the author of several articles in encyclopedias and handbooks; he has also edited various volumes and serves on the editorial boards of several journals and the Encyclopedia Americana.

          He is the author of three additional manufacturing books, two of which received the M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Textbook Award. He is a Life Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Fellow and Life Member of ASM International, and Fell of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, and is a full member (Emeritus) of the International Institution for Production Engineering Research (CI