Enoch powell brief biography of prophets
Powell was a prophet, and after the latest London outrage, his so-called Rivers of Blood speech sure comes to mind..
In a parliamentary career of 37 years, Enoch Powell served in government for just over four years and in the Cabinet for only 15 months.
Powell, Enoch (1912–1998)
British politician and writer.
Enoch Powell was born in Stechford, Birmingham, to two teachers, Albert Enoch Powell and Ellen Mary Breese. His upbringing was lower middle class, disciplined, and dominated by scholarly pursuits.
At seventeen, Powell won the highest award in the country for classical study, a scholarship to Trinity College, Cambridge. Always the bookish loner, Powell excelled there under the influence of the poet and classicist A. E. Housman.
Powell's own history intersected potently with this historical moment.Upon graduation, in recognition for the brilliance of his dissertation on Thucydides, he was named a fellow of Trinity College. There he remained until 1937, publishing the first of what came to be four collections of poetry in that year.
At twenty-five, Powell accepted a chair of Greek at the University of Sydney in Australia, thereby becoming the youngest professor in the Commonwealth. While there, he gained a reputation for his aggressive atheism, misogyny, and strict textual criticism