Field marshal zhukov medals
Georgy zhukov cause of death!
Marshal Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov
* Strelkova, 1.12.1896+ Moscow, 18.6.1974
Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov was born 1896 in a small village of Strelkova south of Moscow, Kaluga Province, and like an immense majority of the peasant population his family were desperately poor.
He lived in an old house, in the middle of the village, with one room and two windows, he also was able to attend a nearby school.
Georgy zhukov children
At aged 10 young Georgi was sent to Moscow to find work with his uncle as an apprentice furrier and found the working conditions severely harsh under the Czarist autocracy. His childhood was ended working twelve-hour days and sleeping on the factory floor.
The Great War of 1914 for Zhukov was a welcomed relief and in 1915 the nineteen-year-old received his conscripted call-up papers and was posted to a cavalry squadron. By 1916 his aptitude and ability had him selected for non-commissioned officer training.
In his reco