M.c. escher family
Where was m.c.
{MEM-1}{CAPCASE}m.c. escher wife
{MEM-1}{CAPCASE}m.c. escher wife
escher born{/CAPCASE}{/MEM}!
Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) is one of the world’s most famous graphic artists. His art is admired by millions of people worldwide, as can be seen by the many websites on the internet.
He is born in Leeuwarden as the fourth and youngest son.
After five years the family moves to Arnhem, where he spends most of his youth.
How did m.c. escher dieAfter he has failed his final exam, and after a short interlude in Delft, M.C. Escher starts with his lessons in architecture at the School of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem.
Already after a week he informs his father that he wants to quit his architecture lessons and focus on studying graphic arts.
He is supported in this by his teacher Samuel Jesserun de Mesquita, to whom he has shown his drawings and linocuts.
After completing his school, he travels for a long time through Italy, where he meets his wife Jetta Umiker and whom he marries in 1924.
They go to Rome, where they live until 1935. During these 11 years M.C. Escher travels every