Muhammad: a biography of the prophet by karen armstrong pdf free download

          Prophet muhammad story.

          When was prophet muhammad died islamic date

          The Biography of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

          Ch 1.The Ancestry of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

          Ishmael’s second wife was Lady Ra^lah(1), daughter of Mudad from the tribe of Jurhum.

          She delivered twelve (12) male children for him. From them came Nabit and Qaydar, and from these two in particular, God made a group of Arabs multiply. Continue Reading

          Ch 2.The Birth of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

          Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was born in Makkah in the year when the Abyssinian (Ethiopian) Abrahah tried to destroy the Ka^bah.

          Life history of prophet muhammad from birth to death

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        2. Prophet muhammad story
        3. When was prophet muhammad died islamic date
        4. Life history of prophet muhammad from birth to death pdf
        5. lnstead, Allah destroyed Abrahah and his army. At that time in Makkah, the people named years by major events. Therefore, it is said that the Prophet ﷺ was born in the ”Year of the Elephant”. It was the year 571 of the Western calendar.

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          Ch 3.The Nursing of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

          Aminah nursed her son, Muhammad ﷺ, for a short time. Then another woman nursed him.

          Muhammad: a biography of the prophet pdf

          Her name was Halimah. Lady Halimah was the main nursing mother of Prophet Muhammad, ﷺ. In those day